Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dinner Sunday Night!

Hello everyone, sorry we haven't updated sooner....tomorrow night we will be meeting at 5:30 for dinner and visiting. We won't try to have a meeting since there will be no child care. Some people have suggested that we have a theme for the meals. This time let's do Mexican! Maybe 2 or 3 main dishes, and some sides...please leave a comment saying what you will bring, then you can also see what we might still need. Next time we'll start this sooner, so you have time to plan ahead and go shopping if you need to! If you don't have something Mexican that's fine, we just thought that would make it easier to know what to bring. We hope everyone (husbands too!) can come!


Cooke family said...

We'll do beef enchiladas, and we have sour cream, 3 avacados for guacamole (more might be nice), and 2 cakes!

The Baileys said...

We will make fresh salsa to bring along with chips for dipping!

Jennifer Caskey said...

I will make a bean dip for the chips.

Da Baums said...

I am making spanish rice & black bean salad/salsa. I may bring along some taco fixings too :)